We are a social enterprise with the mission to promote, as a global priority, the preservation, restoration, and financing of the planet’s most endangered forests under REDD+ ARR & IFM projects developed in alignment with the Paris Agreement’s Article 6.4 and the Voluntary Carbon Market.
OUR TRUTHForests are one of the most striking representations of God’s creative power in nature. Each one holds a special place and a reason to be on our planet. If any of them were to disappear, our planet would become less balanced, less beautiful, and less alive.
We categorize forests at risk of extinction using Conservation International's hotspot categorization, which was established by scientist Norman Myers in his 1989 paper. Our work focuses exclusively on forests.
Reversing the extinction of forests.
Our projects increase forest areas through agroforestry strategies.
We provide high-quality forest and biodiversity monitoring.
QD-Sustainability is a firm specializing in consulting and developing nature-based projects in forests threatened with extinction, as well as corporate responsibility initiatives that enable companies to meet their national and global net-zero emissions targets.
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